Document 2057 DOCN M94A2057 TI Nitrite inhalant use by gay men in the USA. DT 9412 AU Wilson H; Committee to Monitor Poppers ACT UP/Golden Gate, S.F. CA. SO Int Conf AIDS. 1994 Aug 7-12;10(1):390 (abstract no. PD0168). Unique Identifier : AIDSLINE ICA10/94370518 AB OBJECTIVE: To assess nitrite inhalant (poppers) use and factors influencing such use in gay men in the U.S. METHODS: Survey 3 gay male cohorts for popper use. Survey gay papers, gay bars and adult sex shops for ads and sales. Survey gay youth agencies and AIDS agencies for education efforts. Conduct an intercept survey to assess gay men's knowledge of poppers. RESULTS: Popper use has declined from baselines, but there has been a recent upsurge with variation among cities. Many gay papers resumed ads in 1993. Businesses sell nitrite based poppers formulated to circumvent the 1990 ban on alkyl nitrites. Gay youth agencies and AIDS agencies vary in education efforts. Most intercept survey respondents were unaware of the potential dangers of using poppers. DISCUSSION: Several recent studies find using poppers during sex is a risk factor for gay men having unprotected anal intercourse. Despite the ban, poppers are currently being promoted and many gay men continue to use them. Education is lacking. Alerting gay men to the hazards of using poppers should be included in AIDS prevention and education efforts. DE Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome/PREVENTION & CONTROL/ *TRANSMISSION Administration, Inhalation Adolescence Adult Cohort Studies Cross-Sectional Studies Homosexuality/*STATISTICS & NUMER DATA Human Incidence Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice Male *Nitrites Sex Behavior/DRUG EFFECTS Substance Use Disorders/*EPIDEMIOLOGY United States/EPIDEMIOLOGY MEETING ABSTRACT SOURCE: National Library of Medicine. NOTICE: This material may be protected by Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S.Code).